The Infinity of πCODE Technology
Let πCODE Technology Fulfills All Your Assay Need
Click here for fluorescence analysis
The Infinity of πCODE Technology
Let πCODE Technology Fulfills All Your Assay Need
Click here for fluorescence analysis

Precise Results Generated By Credible πCode Platform

πCode™ MicroDisc is an innovative technology made of silicon wafers and have an extremely tiny size of 40 µm in diameter. Each πCode MicroDisc has an assigned distinct circular image pattern imprinted on its surface for multiplexing applications. A specific capture agent, which can be either nucleic acid probe or antibody, conjugated to its surface πCode MicroDiscs tagged with different capture agents are pooled, enabling specific detection of multiple analytes in one-well reaction. It can be easily integrated into your routine molecular or immuno analysis protocols, and maximizing the detection targets in more sensitive way. 

Using our πCode technology can also adopt to PlexBio's automated platform to flexibly meet the multiple detection targets and processing throughput required for your assays. πCode multiplexing assays deliver precise assay information without extra time or effort required, allowing your assay easily. 

Principle of πCode Workflow 

πCode™ Technology gives true multiplex capability in a single well to maximize data information from limited sample availability, dramatically increase throughput, and decrease assay cost.
πCode™ MicroDiscs are manufactured to generate more than 85,000 distinct circular image patterns for multiplexing applications. To perform a πCode multiplexing test, conjugated πCode™ MicroDiscs with distinct circular image pattern were pooled together in a single well and reacted with samples, followed by hybridization and fluorescent labeling simutaneously. The assay detection was done by optical imaging fluorescence analyzer PlexBio™ 100 Analyzer, which uses the CCD camera to read the distinct image patterns under bright field and quantifies the analytes by reading the fluorescence signal intensity under dark field. The two images are cross referenced for detection of the targets and decoded by DeXipher™ software by turning raw data to an automated reporting with results interpretation in a user-friendly format. 

PlexBio™100 Analyzer takes dark field and bright field images for co-localization to identify the unique circular patterns imprinted on the πCode™ MicroDiscs and analyzing those targets with or without positive signals. The system automatically processes result interpretation and deliver result reports in 30 minutes.


πCode Multiplexing
Pooling All the Targets You Need to Make Your Detection Possible
  • STEP 01
    Thousands of unique patterns
    imprinted on πCodeTM MicroDiscs
  • STEP 02
    Respectively Probe Coupling
  • STEP 03
    Multiplexing πCode Master Mix
    Ready For Detection
Features and Benefits
  • No Bioinformatics Analysis Required
  • Supreme Sensitivity
  • Extensive Multiplexing Range
  • Broad Target Detection
Customer Success Stories
Proprietary πCode customized assays leading to our customers' experimental breakthroughs
  • Dr. Kazuo Suzuki
    Kazuo Suzuki PhD
    Principal Investigator and Senior Hospital Scientist/ St Vincent's Hospital
    πCode MicroDiscs has amazed me by its outperformed detection capacity
πCODE™ Is The Best Choice For Liquid Biopsy Analysis 
As cancer cells or cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from a tumor that is circulating into the blood allows a less invasive way to deliver crucial genetic information for tumor profiling than traditional tissue biopsies. The supreme sensitive testing method are needed for liquid biopsy testing due to the difficulties and limitations to capture enough cell-free DNA. The effective use of πCode™ technology with low sample input and high multiplexing throughput would be the best choice for assays.
  πCode NGS qPCR
DNA input
10 ng 25 ng - 1 µg 5 ng - 100 ng
0.05% - 1% LoD 1% LoD 2% LoD
2-200 targets > 100 targets 2-6 targets
Hands-on time
Short Long Short
Bionformatics Analysis
(Auto Data Analysis)
Yes No
(Manual Data Analysis)
Turnaround time
<5.5 hours 1 - 2 weeks 2 - 3 hours
Routine test
Feasible Unfeasible Feasible
Affordable Expensive Affordable
πCODE technology offers solutions to meet the needs of a variety of testing applications
  • Molecular Diagnostic
  • Liquid Biopsy
  • Cancer Research
  • Infectious Disease
  • Genomic Research
  • Life Science Research
  • Partnering for Companion Diagnostics
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Genotyping
  • Respiratory Pathogen Testing
  • Gastrointestinal Testing
  • Immuno-Diagnostic
  • Proteomic Research

Other Technology


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